refiloe & cliff                                                                        march 2003

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how we met

coupleholdinghands(67842 bytes) we met at a social gathering on refiloe's birthday · a few days later cliff attended a birthday party that refiloe was hosting with a mutual friend · the following day we went on our first date · ironically we watched 'meet the parents' - little did we know back then what the future had in store for us · we had been dating for about 3 months when cliff proposed, short we know, but our engagement has been a long and an educational one · during this period we have learnt to love each other more than when we were first engaged, if that is possible ·


the bride


  • refiloe hoohlo, known to close friends as fifi
  • mom hails from cape town and dad is from lesotho
  • grew up in lesotho but educated in south africa
  • moved to london 5 years ago in an attempt to 'explore other worlds', but found something much worth keeping for a life time

the groom

  • cliff nkosi zephyrine
  • born in trinidad and did most of his education there
  • attended university in atlanta, usa and france and worked in new york city for a while
  • moved to london as part of his job which was meant to be for a year but never left...


blue, silver, grey


blue (all shades)


acid jazz, funk, old school vibes, hip hop


hip hop, calypso, reggae (dancehall)


movies, reading, travelling, art, photography


gastronomy (food and wine), travelling, walking